The Economist's Cookbook

Recipes For A More Free Society

  • "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they know about what they imagine they can design."

    - F.A. Hayek

Remember Remember ...

Posted by The_Chef On 12:54 PM 5 comments

... the Fifth of November.

To hell with censorship.
To hell with politicians.
To hell with their 'reasonable' controls.

So ... what are you going to do about them?


5 Response for the "Remember Remember ..."

  1. Anonymous says:

    Your brilliance is overwhelming. And they DID march the gates, together.

  2. The_Chef says:

    ... flattery not necessary.

  3. Jay21 says:

    As the saying goes "great minds think alike"
    Since i respect your posts, and mine from the 5th is a direct parallel, would complimenting you be arrogant?
    V could not have been more fitting to this election.

  4. The_Chef says:

    Not at all. I'm so happy that what I term True Patriot's Day is right after the Farcical/Masturbatory Election Day.

  5. Anonymous says:

    "... flattery not necessary."

    comment retracted.