Wewt! The new replacement Dell arrived and is now up and running, still need to load a few more operational programs on it, but other than that ... IT'S ALIVE!
So your libertarian thought for the day. I wrote this a while back when discussing the upcoming 2008 presidential election on an automotive forum, when explaining my position on the "moral" use of coercion to "help" those less fortunate.
I want the government to have less power in every aspect, not more. Of course people see a 'crisis' coming and they turn into a bunch of bleating sheep who beg the government to save them or do something about it. The road to hell is paved with good intentions they say. I want my country back and I don't want some politician telling me that I should be a slave to someone else because it's "moral". Fuck you, I live for me, not for someone else.
I'm more profane than I am elegant in my arguments and for that I'm sorry, I'll never be a Walter Williams or a Don Doudreaux. But I can be a voice for freedom.